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Freaky Frankenstein Sugar Biscuits

Freaky Frankenstein Sugar Biscuits

I just love this time of year, pumpkins, witches, autumn colours and cosy nights in. Pure hygge heaven. So with Halloween fast approaching I am literally turning everything I make or bake into a super scary version.
Getting the kids involved in all my freaky fun Halloween specials is always a great way to keep them entertained now the nights are getting colder and darker.
These Frankenstein sugar biscuits are scarily easy to make, not to mention how quick everyone gobbles them down. We enjoyed ours with a glass of milk while settling down at night watching scary movies under a blanket.

So, to get creepy with the kids all you need is....

90g of butter
100g of caster sugar
1 medium egg
½ tsp of vanilla extract
200g of plain flour
½ tsp of baking powder
Pinch of salt
150g of icing sugar
Green food colouring (or yellow and blue mixed together)
Candy eyes
Black and green icing tubes
Rectangle/sqaure cookies cutter


1. Round up the kids.
2. Preheat the oven to 180 Degrees C and prepare a baking tray with grease proof paper.
3. In a bowl beat the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy, then beat in the eggs and vanilla extract (electric mixer is best).
4. Add the flour, baking powder and salt to the butter mix until it forms a stiff dough that can be rolled out.
5. Cover the dough and leave to chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.
6. After 30 minutes remove from the fridge and cover your work surface with a sprinkling of flour ready to roll the dough to a thickness of about half a centimetre. When the dough is evenly rolled out, cut into desired shapes using the cookie cutter.
7. Place the dough shapes on the baking sheet and bake for about 10-12 minutes.
8. When the biscuits are golden brown in colour remove from the oven and place on a cooling rack. Make sure the biscuits are completely cooled before adding the icing.
9. Put the icing into a clean bowl, add the food colouring and water until its perfect spreadable Frankenstein greeeeeeeeen.
10. Spread the icing evenly onto the biscuits and stick on the candy eyes. Then using the icing tubes create a face with the iconic Frankenstein black hair and scars.
