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1/2 Syn Raspberry Roulade

I haven’t updated my blog for ages and thought now I’m back on the Slimming World hype I would upload all my healthy recipes. This is to help inspire some of you and also keep myself on track as we all know by now I’m weak when it comes to delicious food! Spessssh of the cake variety! So what better way to restart my blog with the low syn magic that is.....


I had UMMMMed and ARRRRRed about this Slimming World Raspberry Roulade thing for so long. I mean how nice can baked quark and eggs be huh? BUT I was pleasantly surprised how nice it was actually and would definitely make it again.  Maybe mix it up with some different flavors next time and at half a syn for the entire cake you can afford to splash out on some extra treats. Maybe a low cal ice cream or chocolate pieces or even some crushed meringue. The possibilities are endless!!

So to make this low syn roulade you will need:

4 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon  
1 tsp vanilla essence
250g of plain quark
2 tbsp of sweetener (you can also add some more to the filling) 
Punnet of raspberries 


  1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees c and spray a shallow rectangle baking tray with Frylight 
  2. Separate the eggs into yolks and whites and put into separate bowls 
  3. Add ½ of the quark, the sweetener, cinnamon, vanilla essence & baking powder to the yolks and mix till combined. 
  4. Whisk the egg whites until they become stiff then fold them into the egg yolk mixture
  5. Pour the mixture into the baking tray and bake for about 10-15 mins or until it’s a golden brown colour
  6. Remove the cake from the oven and place on a cooling rack and allow to cool
  7. Make the filling by adding some sweetener(optional) to the quark then spread it over the cake and evenly place halved raspberries on top 
  8. Then gently roll the cake up into a roll (you might need to trim the edges down fo make it look neater, I did) 
  9. Cut the now rolled up cake into slices. Serve with whatever you fancy!
